Presented here, in fragments is my 2008 “lost series”: salvaged images from the project Hotel Baltimore, otherwise lost to lost celluloid and lost hard drives. The scenes pictured are abstract recreations of the happenings at LA Skidrow’s Baltimore Hotel.
The photos shown here are high powered scans of drugstore processed 35mm. The intent was to produce wall sized prints and room projections. A follow up live action experimental short was also discussed.
Over a decade later, these characters are finally shoved out into the light of day. But maybe they’d rather stay destitute smoking crack and hooking and dying at the Baltimore.
Special thanks to both Hernan Barangan for helping me scan these back in ‘08 and actually saving these few samples, and to Marco the epileptic clown for inflating the subjects.
Pony Talking to Giraffe [left]- 35mm film; 2008
Pony Talking to Giraffe [right]- 35mm film; 2008
John in Lobby- 35mm film; 2008
Trick- 35mm film; 2008
Gayboy [front]- 35mm film; 2008
Gayboy [back]- 35mm film; 2008
Giraffe- 35mm film; 2008
Untitled- 35mm film; 2008
Retard- 35mm film; 2008
Retard [close-up]- 35mm film; 2008
Retard on Drugs- 35mm film; 2008
Retard on Drugs 2- 35mm film; 2008
Retard on Polyester- 35mm film; 2008
Retard on Polyester 2- 35mm film; 2008
Crackwhore on Polyester- 35mm film; 2008
Snake on Polyester- 35mm film; 2008